Wild Wadi Safety

Do's & Dont's

Rules for enjoying Wild Wadi

Wild Wadi Safety

Do's & Dont's

Rules for enjoying Wild Wadi

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Please read safety signs and follow the directions of staff at all times.

  • You must be at least 1.1 metres in height to ride some attractions.
  • Caution: Guests with any medical, health, or self-imposed restrictions on their physical activity or are overweight for the body type or under “doctor’s care” should not use attractions.
  • Be aware: Some water rides are body active, participatory activities. Such activities present a risk of injury.
  • Direct supervision of a care minder is required at all times.
  • Please follow all lifeguards’ instructions.
  • Please wait until instructed by the lifeguard to enter the slide start tub.
  • Allow the lifeguard to assist you in the proper seating arrangement.
  • Please wait for the lifeguard to dispatch you.
  • Please ride in a seated position facing the centre, holding the handles.
  • Please be wary of the water depth in some pools.
  • Unruly behaviour and horseplay are not permitted.
  • Appropriate swimwear is required when riding the attractions: street clothes, long flowing clothing and underwear will not be permitted. Management reserves the right to determine if swimwear is appropriate.
  • Wearing sunglasses and prescription lenses are not allowed when riding the attractions.
  • Management reserves the right to ask guests who violate this policy to leave the water park.
  • Look at each ride and see if you can safely participate - you are the best judge of your limitations.
  • Please supervise your children and arrange a meeting place in case you should get separated.
  • Children under 13 years old must be accompanied by an individual aged 16 years or older to enter the waterpark.
  • We reserve the right to stop picture taking and video recording.
  • Smoking is allowed in designated areas only.
  • Locker rental is available for your convenience. Please do not leave valuables unattended. Appropriate swimwear MUST be worn at all times. Full body swim suits and long sleeved rash vests are acceptable on all rides.
  • Wild Wadi accepts no responsibility any loss or damage of any personal items.
  • Guests are welcome to use their Go Pro cameras on the rides except on Jumeirah Sceirah.
  • Go Pro cameras can be used only if the straps are attached to the camera.

Things that are not permitted in Wild Wadi:

  • Outside food and beverage, or any glass items
  • Fighting and abusive language
  • Smoking in non-designated smoking areas
  • Running and diving
  • Unruly behaviour and horse playing
  • Intoxication
  • Queue jumping
  • Regular diapers are not permitted in any pool or attraction. Swim diapers are available for sale at our gift shops
  • Devices that contain exposed needles which do not retract into the device or other sharp points and edges (May be stored in First Aid Room)

Please refer to our Swimwear Policy for more information on the appropriate way to dress in Wild Wadi

Failure to follow these rules and use common sense may result in serious injury to yourself and/or others and perhaps even expulsion from the park.