Wild Wadi Safety

Swimwear Policy

Appropriate and inappropriate clothing while at Wild Wadi

Wild Wadi Safety

Swimwear Policy

Appropriate and inappropriate clothing while at Wild Wadi

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For your own health and safety, appropriate swimwear must be worn at all times when using the park's attractions and if wearing inappropriate attire, you might be asked to change or leave the premises. If you wish to buy bathing suits, we have a selection of swimwear and casual clothes in our retail outlets. It is a condition of entry to the park.


Inappropriate swimwear includes and is not limited to:

  • Underwear
  • Transparent bathing suits
  • Street clothes, long flowing clothing and underwear will not be permitted.
  • Shorts with protruding designs or accessories on the back e.g. rivets, wetsuits
  • Long necklaces and chains
  • Swimsuit should be free of metal; buttons, zippers, buckles or snaps that could be abrasive to other swimmers and our slides
  • Any clothing or accessory deemed as potentially damaging to the slides
  • Regular diapers are not permitted in any pool or attraction. Swim diapers are available for sale at our gift shops 


Guests visiting the park not swimming/playing

Clothing shall not indecently expose parts of the body, be transparent, or display obscene or offensive pictures and slogans.

Management reserves the right to determine whether or not swimwear is appropriate.

Wearing spectacles (sunglasses, eyeglasses, etc.) while riding any of the rides is not allowed, for safety purposes. However, if you need to keep them with you, then you can purchase lanyards from our retail stores!

For the convenience of our female Muslim guests, we provide Muslim swimwear for sale in our retail outlets. Please note that Burkini (Muslim swimwear that includes a headscarf/hijab) is allowed on the rides.